Babywearing and Weight Loss

Wearing your baby from the time she is born at least until her 1st birthday is the easiest, quickest and most enjoyable way to lose the weight you gained while you were pregnant. I gained 50 lbs during my pregnancy and by about 8 months I had lost 65 lbs and I attribute a large part of that to wearing my baby. Your every day activities can turn into a great way to burn extra calories with the extra weight of him on your front or your back while you're doing them....the dishes, laundry and grocery shopping can all be done wearing your baby! Just taking a walk to to park using your baby carrier instead of simply pushing a stroller will turn it into an extra calorie burning session. He will also love being close to you and getting to see everything that's going on from your same level.

If you were to start a conventional weight loss work out plan your trainer would have you start with lighter weights in strength training and slowly increase the weight over time as your body gets use to them. Well, your baby is a genius fitness trainer because she naturally will do that for you. As your body adjusts to carrying her around she grows and gains more weight to up the ante of your workouts with her. Awe... she is so smart....yes the smartest baby in the world!! She helped you gain all of that weight and now is going to help you lose it too.

Baby Wearing=Burning more Calories=Weight Loss

Have you lost weight while living an Attachment Parent lifestyle?

Share your story with me!
I'd love for more people to see how easy and fun it can be to lose weight this way

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